John's Army Insignia

John's various Army insignia as found on his uniform.

Thanks to CPT Keith Harley for help identifying a couple of my mysteries.

John's uniform as he wore it in 1995 parade
John's uniform as he wore it in 1995 parade
Detail of ribbons
Detail of ribbons
Large (front) button
Large (front) button
Left shoulder
Left shoulder
Right shoulder
Right shoulder
Army Service Forces
Army Service Forces
Fifth Army
Fifth Army
VI US Army Corps
VI US Army Corps
Third Army
Third Army
83rd Infantry Division ("Ohio")
83rd Infantry Division ("Ohio")
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Aberdeen Proving Ground
80th Ordnance Batallion
80th Ordnance Batallion
Ordnance School Crest
Ordnance School Crest
Don't know
Don't know
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
American Defense Service Medal
American Defense Service Medal
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David Dyer-Bennet